Kasim Akhter
Born into a small business family, I always had the drive to learn new things. Our dynamics at home were crazy, something new happening every day. I would eavesdrop on my mum and dad talking about some sort of problem they were facing in the shop or with a supplier or a customer. To me, it was gossip, I loved hearing about their problems. This made me want to always get involved in everything my dad did. I wanted to learn how to change the oil in the fryer, just because I know he would lecture me on cooking oil whist doing so. To me, that was knowledge that my other little friends at school didn’t have. Fast forward 25 years, I co run one of the most popular burger joints in the country, and the fastest growing. I have knowledge and data that you want. This is why you need to franchise.
13-Apr-2024Theatre SixBe a Franchisee