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Sampling Your Product

Do you qualify?

Due to the venue tightening its Sampling Process, Rules and Regulations, you may no longer qualify to offer samples on your stand as you have done previously.

The product you plan to sample MUST be the main product you are selling.

For example, if your franchise is a coffee company, you may want to sample the cakes that you also sell in your stores (that are purchased through suppliers) alongside the coffee samples to entice the visitors - however, as this is not your main product - you would not be able to provide cake samples as this is not essential to you representing your brand.

You MUST be one of the following of the product you wish to sample:

  • Producer
  • Manufacturer
  • Seller (it must be the main product 

Please discuss this with your account manager! 

Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the F&B department on (cc in your account manager) 

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