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21 Mar 2023

Lynne’s story: from optical assistant to domiciliary partner

Lynne’s story: from optical assistant to domiciliary partner
Lynne Phillips - Domiciliary partner

I started off as an optical assistant, back in 2005, at my local store in East Kilbride. Initially I worked part time, so I could concentrate on raising my children. Once they were older, my boss encouraged me to become a dispensing optician.

I was reluctant at first because I was in my thirties, and it had been a long time since I had to do any studying. But she had great faith in my potential, and this was enough to persuade me to go back to school.

My journey to becoming qualified in 2016 was life changing. It made me more confident, professionally and personally. It opened my eyes to opportunities to further my career and better myself.

Hungry for more

I went on to become a retail manager at a store in Bellshill, just south of Glasgow. I was part of a very successful team, that had a strong focus on looking after the people coming through the door. Our achievements didn’t go unnoticed as we won awards for excellence in customer service in 2018 and 2019. I was so proud, and I wanted to be a bigger part of what we were building.

I had a great relationship with the store partners, who never stopped supporting my development. They were so pleased when I discussed partnership with them. Because I’d shown an interest in audiology, they suggested that I get the relevant qualifications as a route into joining the business. It was time to hit the books again.

Things were going well – and then the pandemic happened. Covid and lockdown affected stores in different ways and forced many to review their plans. Unfortunately, the opportunity to become a partner at Bellshill was no longer available. I was so gutted, but life has a funny way of surprising you when you least expect it.

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