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21 Mar 2023

Holding onto your dreams: Anton’s story

Holding onto your dreams: Anton’s story

Anton is an incredible example of never giving up! After attending a careers fair where audiology grabbed his attention, he went on to study at University but his studies were unfortunately cut short due to personal reasons. He changed track and began working in the car rental sector, but still with a dream of eventually working in audiology.

Anton then undertook an 18-month apprenticeship and is on the way to becoming a trainee hearing aid dispenser (HAD), through hands-on experience and college-based learning. At the end of his course, he will become a fully qualified clinician who assesses hearing and provide aftercare for hearing aids.

Speaking on where his ambitions in audiology started, Anton said “I’ve had an interest in audiology since I was about 18 and there was this careers fair at my sixth form and audiology stood out to me. I did further research and I managed to start university and study audiology. Due to personal reasons, I wasn’t able to complete it. So, I went into employment, and I was in the car rental sector for several years. But I always felt like there was always a way to get back into audiology and do what I really wanted to do.”

When reconsidering his career options, Anton’s search to fulfil his dream led him to Specsavers – which offers a range of early careers routes in hearing and eye care. For Anton, being able to learn while working was an attractive option.

“Out of all the companies that I researched, Specsavers was one that I really wanted to join. I was very keen on the way they work. I felt like if I didn’t take this opportunity now, I might take not take it further down my life. I was very focused on taking the audiology path.” Geeta Patel, Audiology Director at Specsavers Hemel Hempstead, where Anton is currently working, spoke highly of the programme and how it allows Specsavers to ‘grow your own’ when it comes to developing colleagues.

Like Anton, if you’re considering a career in optics, audiology or want to learn more about Specsavers apprenticeship opportunities visit our Apprenticeship page. 

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